Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I am my father's daughter...

So, we are going to be donating some things to the Salvation Army and who know they did pick ups?!? So, I need to figure out what all I have that I can give to the less fortunate. After talking with Shawn about this, it has come to my realization (again) that I am a pack rat just like my dad. He saves everything!!! He has a whole closet full of nothing but t-shirts that have been given to him by different groups from the safety patrol, girl scouts, different elementary schools, etc. from his job. Me, I still have clothes with tags on them. My dad saves birthday cards, anniversary cards, Christmas cards. Me, I have a lot of cards to from my husband, Kayli and myself. Now, if only you could see his attic and several garages. Wow! He has a lot of stuff. Anything from tools to holiday decorations to my old toys when I was a little girl (which are good to have since I now have a little girl) and boxes of his old clothes from the '60's and '70's. I can't say I'm any different than he is, my collection of things is growing too. But I am glad to have traits of his, he is a wonderful and very sweet man! I am so glad that I can call him my dad.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Where to begin again....

Where shall I's been a while since I've blogged but here is to a new beginning of me doing this for me. It's a good place to vent and just share things in my life with anyone who would like to see.

So, here's to all of you followers out there (I am one myself).